Work Experience

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Zally - Data Scientist

July 2023 - Present | United Kingdom, Manchester

  • Working on a continuous authentication solution to replace passwords with behavioral biometrics
Python Data Engineering Data Preprocessing AWS S3 AWS Kinesis Machine Learning Model Deployment Research Experimentation Exploratory Analysis Time Series
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Freelance - Data Scientist/Engineer

June 2022 - Present | Remote

  • Keeping up to date with latest development in data science and machine learning.
  • Data Consultancy for a high-street pawn shop that wanted to implement a sentiment analysis chatbot on their site.
Python R SQL Databases Data Scraping AWS Apache Kafke Apache Spark Apache Airflow Docker Dimensionality Reduction Regression and Classification Data Modelling
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Freelance - Game Developer

June 2014 - April 2016 | United Kingdom, London

  • Self-taught 2 programming languages, Javascript and C# for game development at age 14 using Unity3D.
  • Published 5 Android games to the Google Play Store. Achieved over 1000 downloads. Averaged ratings between 3-5 stars.
Javascript C# Unity3D Mobile Deployment Game Development


Project 1 Thumbnail
Predicting Premier League Football Match wins using Bayesian Modelling

Combining my passion for Data Science and Football. In this project I use Bayesian Modelling to predict Premier League football match wins.

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Python R Machine Learning Bayesian Modelling Feature Engineering Time Series Future Prediction
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Bayesian Spatial Temporal Analysis of Violent Crime in London

Final year dissertation. A niche application of Bayesian Spatial Temporal Models to model spatial and temporal trends of violent crime in London.

Dissertation Badge
Python R Spatial Temporal Models Bayesian Spatial Analysis Temporal Analysis
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Reddit Sentiment Analysis Streamlit Dashboard

A Reddit Sentiment Analysis Streamlit Application. Users can search for a subreddit and get a sentiment summary of all posts and comments in the subreddit. Users can also see trends in sentiment.

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Python NLP Streamlit Visualisations Deployment AWS S3 Data Modelling Sentiment Analysis
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A Decade of Crime in London: An Explorotory Analysis of Crimes in London

An explorotory analysis of crime in London. Highlighting high crime rate areas and most prevelent crimes. Exploring how crime in London has evolved since 2011 to 2023.

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Python Exploratory Analysis Spatial Temporal Data
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Reading Reccomendation System Deployed with Flask

An end to end book reccomendation system. Built a search engine using cosine simulariity that allows users to search for books, rate them and create user profiles. Book reccomendation are the created using colloboration filtering.

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Python Recommender Systems Search Engines Collaborative Filtering Cosine Simulariity Flask
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Android Games

Published 5 android games to the Google Playstore. 'Blizard' got 1000 downloads and 'Platform' had an average rating of 4/5 stars. Self taugt game development at 14.

Javascript C# Unity3D Deployment


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University of Greenwich

September 2019 - June 2023 | United Kingdom, London

Subject: B.Sc. (Hons) in Mathematics

Grade: First Class ~ 4.0 GPA

Modules: Linear Algebra, Vector Calculus, Partial Differential Equations, Optimization, Bayesian Inference, Linear Models, Financial Time Series etc.

Final Year Dissertation: Modelling the risk of violent crime in London using Bayesian Spatial Temporal Models. My dissertation involved a niche application of Bayesian Spatial Temporal Models to analyze violent crime in London, focusing on identifying spatial and temporal crime patterns.

Machine Learning Statistical Analysis Python & R Programming Statistical Inference Probability Bayesian Inference Hypothesis Testing
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Wave Equation Solver


Coursework for MATH1151 Partial Differential Equations. Coursework involved solving the wave equation using Python.

Python Numerical Analysis
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Bayesian Linear Models and Analysis


Involved Bayesian statistical analysis using JAGS for regression, Gibbs sampling, and logistic regression for the Challenger study which emphasized predicting O-ring failure at varying temperatures.

R R-Jags Metropolis and Gibbs Sampling MCMC
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Financial Time Series


Coursework for MATH1122 Financial Time Series. Involved exploratory analysis of SP500 data. Analysed log returns and performed Jarque and Bera test for normality. Tested for ARCH effects using the Lagrange Multiplier Statistic and fit ARCH(1) and GARCH(1,1) models.

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R Financial Time Series Hypothesis Testing ARIMA GARCH

Skills and Tools

Apache Airflow
Apache Airflow
Scikit Learn


Doing kick-ups with a soccer ball
Running in a park
Climbing a rock wall

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